WINTEC®  ●  Winblok®  ●  Winblok®Screen

the decorative solar façade

 'Retrofit' Compatibility

 Rapid Modular Construction

 Backed by technical support services

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"Walls you can see through™", became a phrase that described Winblok® The Total Window System, the load bearing, modular concrete surround, with its attendant Winvent Aluminium glazed Window range. The introduction of Winblok® as a replacement to walls and windows helps modulate the sunlight, however presents a heavily sculpted appearance in the external façade.

Modular Rapid Building Solution

The potential to ‘wrap’ the Winblok® load bearing wall with a finer ‘decorative solar’ screen on the external face; and to glaze the internal rebated face with the Winvent fixed or opening glazed inserts; presents a unique opportunity to “dress up” façades with a softer skin on the external load bearing envelope. This lends the architect an open flexibility allowing structural load, light and love; to wrap the building.

new 2022


integrates perfectly with Winblok®

Full Winblok®Screen Range

Winblok®Screen Features

 Solar Control

 Rain Protection

 Privacy Screen

 Load Bearing Structure

 Secure Reinforced

 Breeze Wall

 Cost Effective

 Retro-Fit Ready

 Non-mechanical Fixing

 High Strength Concrete

 Easy Installation

 No additional specialised structure required

Winblok®Screen 'Retrofit' Compatibility

We have also seen the opportunity to fit Screens over Winblok® WB66-260 (590x590x260mm) in existing buildings. Only applicable where the glazing rebate is on the inside of the building and the sill, with it’s ‘struck face’ is on the outside. A cost effective way of giving a face lift and modulating the interior privacy and light.

Winblok® Winvent®

Winblok® Screen Application

The Winblok® cross-section has a glazing rebate on one face and a sloping soffit, reveals, and sill towards the ‘struck face’. We envisage that the best application of the Screens will be over the Winblok® System where the struck face is facing the exterior and the glazing rebate is on the inside face of the building. In this way, rain water that penetrates through the Screens will run off the bottom sloping sill, towards the exterior.

It also follows that the opening Winvent® sashes may open into the cavity behind the Winblok® Screen. All the Screens are designed to fit over the face of the Winblok® - not into them. Here the Screens present a primary face with the Winblok® concrete surround, taking a secondary structural role recessed behind the Screens.

Rapid Modular Construction - Schools

Winblok® Screen facilitates rapid building of walls and allows building of schools in a very short timeframe.

Video , 22 August 2022

How To Install Winblok®Screen
Video , 22 March 2023

Winblok®Screen Modular Rapid School Construction

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Download Catalogue + CAD files + Autodesk® Revit® Families for this system. All neatly packaged in a handy "zip" folder that contains everything you need.

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Winblok® Screen Design Consideration

The 600x600mm module Winblok® with a 260mm depth, has become by far the most popular size in the Southern African market. We have chosen this size to be the prime carrier of the new Winblok®Screen range.

Screen design also recognises the the degree to which security, solar and visual screening, need to be integrated.

Rain screening also plays an important design consideration. Concrete, notwithstanding its environmental impact, remains the robust, easily maintained material of choice if used judiciously. With that in mind we have developed a high strength, reinforced concrete, that will last for decades. We are also able to introduce muted colours into the product using pigments as permanent tints for bespoke projects.