"Walls you can see through™", became a phrase that described Winblok® The Total Window System, the load bearing, modular concrete surround, with its attendant Winvent Aluminium glazed Window range. The introduction of Winblok® as a replacement to walls and windows helps modulate the sunlight, however presents a heavily sculpted appearance in the external façade.
Modular Rapid Building Solution
The potential to ‘wrap’ the Winblok® load bearing wall with a finer ‘decorative solar’ screen on the external face; and to glaze the internal rebated face with the Winvent fixed or opening glazed inserts; presents a unique opportunity to “dress up” façades with a softer skin on the external load bearing envelope. This lends the architect an open flexibility allowing structural load, light and love; to wrap the building.
Winblok®Screen Features
Solar Control
Rain Protection
Privacy Screen
Load Bearing Structure
Secure Reinforced
Breeze Wall
Cost Effective
Retro-Fit Ready
Non-mechanical Fixing
High Strength Concrete
Easy Installation
No additional specialised structure required